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radio monitoring system中文是什么意思

用"radio monitoring system"造句"radio monitoring system"怎么读"radio monitoring system" in a sentence


  • 无线电监控系统


  • Because traditional radio monitoring system is composed of a spectrum analyzer and a single or a multi channel receiver , system performance and automation has been restricted greatly
  • Finally , an embedded linux os in factual project is constructed to testing it , the projects is objected to construct a small radio monitoring system , it requires that the system uses embedded linux ; it takes one and half a hours to finish
  • This paper introduce the status and fuction of radio monitor in the radio spectrum management at first , and explain radio monitoring center build every specification requirement put forward to national radio monitoring system , at the sam time , the paper analyses the radio interferece , examineto error , the comprehensive pain of design of monitoring system of handling , combining the actual proposition hi our province
用"radio monitoring system"造句  
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